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When will SHTF? (Page 1 of 3)
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Posted: 2/12/2012 1:00:35 PM EDT
I'm not saying I want SHTF!  I'm more curious about what is gonna set it off?  What do you think will happen?  Where will the sides be drawn?  Will there be a foreign militant forces on US soil? If so who?  I know it's alot of questions but basically I am asking for everyones SHTF hypothetical senerios?
Link Posted: 2/12/2012 1:04:16 PM EDT
July 22nd.
Link Posted: 2/12/2012 1:04:31 PM EDT
Debt bomb explodes, interest rates skyrocket, inflation goes ballistic, welfare handouts cease due to the inability to service the debt and the animals go crazy because they believe they are owed a certain lifestyle by the productive members of society.
Link Posted: 2/12/2012 1:09:12 PM EDT
[Last Edit: turb06le240] [#3]
Originally Posted By fxntime:
Debt bomb explodes, interest rates skyrocket, inflation goes ballistic, welfare handouts cease due to the inability to service the debt and the animals go crazy because they believe they are owed a certain lifestyle by the productive members of society.

Thart tis boiyz, do wit it wacha wish....

The monkey will stay in the cage as long as you are feeding him, but you stop feeding him and hes getting out, or will die trying...
Link Posted: 2/12/2012 1:29:31 PM EDT
So when you say "debt bomb" do you mean it in the sence that we have reached out limits, the bubble pops, then is on? I like it.
Link Posted: 2/12/2012 1:50:33 PM EDT
Consumer credit bubble pops would hurt things.  We have had 3 years in a row of significant crop damage in the midwest.  I think if we had a particularly bad year for rain (either to much/or to little), combined with the consumer credit bubble, and significant world event (war, terrorist attack, global natural disaster) things could go down hill fast.
Link Posted: 2/12/2012 2:11:44 PM EDT
I have it on good Authority that SHTF will be March 11!
Link Posted: 2/12/2012 10:14:07 PM EDT
Originally Posted By BCV:
I have it on good Authority that SHTF will be March 11!

Mar 11?
Link Posted: 2/13/2012 1:38:03 AM EDT
Why March 11th?
Link Posted: 2/13/2012 3:32:39 AM EDT
Originally Posted By BCV:
I have it on good Authority that SHTF will be March 11!

You's trollin'.

No one knows. All you can do is prepare at a pace you can sustain, and do your best to ride it out.

You're going to be caught up in it regardless. How you ride the storm or if you keep your head above water is the endgame.
Link Posted: 2/14/2012 11:21:32 PM EDT
i think some type of MAJOR SHTF EVENT will take place in the second half of the year..i am putting the finishing touches on my preps by Late June.....
Link Posted: 2/14/2012 11:25:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2012 8:13:32 AM EDT

Originally Posted By PATRIOT590A1:

i think some type of MAJOR SHTF EVENT will take place in the second half of the year..i am putting the finishing touches on my preps by Late June.....

Im curious what makes you think second half of the year? Some kind of ploy by obama to help him get reelected?
Link Posted: 2/28/2012 11:52:36 PM EDT
[Last Edit: SnakeDoctor_IV] [#13]
Seems that CA government sets the pace for the rest of the country as far as laws and rules and policies and crap. When SHTF there, let us know so we can have a year or two to get ready before it hits us.... he he he.

Seriously though, there could be a number of things that cause it. It could be the U.S. Dollar dropping out and no longer being the basis for currency values, threat of "WMD's" and ensuing martial law to which a lot of patriots will not stand for, thus causing mass mayhem. etc. etc. etc. All are "IF" things and could be something major or minor. Like another team member said.... do the best preparing for how you think you would like to live in a "survival" setting and ride the wave and take it from there. You can only do so much without driving yourself crazy thinking about it and the "prepping".
Link Posted: 3/3/2012 12:05:02 PM EDT
Or we could consider the current issue blooming into a crisis. Fuel!  

If world events would somehow send the price of oil way up; it's currently $110 barrel equaling about $3.65; say oil went to $200 barrel and fuel to north of $5.50; our nation would be in deep trouble.

In the short term the cost of delivering the food to the store would way up, later the cost of producing the food would go way up. The cost of everything would go way up; getting to work, getting to the Doctor, getting medical supplies, getting whatever you get at Target and Walmart.

People stop spending.

People loose their jobs.

Government and personal debt continue to balloon.

Eventually the cradle to grave society we've allowed to be created collapses.

If you're not willing and determine enough to take care of yourself, the looters and thugs get you.

At least that's what I see as the most likely scenario.

Link Posted: 3/7/2012 8:30:36 AM EDT
Originally Posted By evolution88:
Or we could consider the current issue blooming into a crisis. Fuel!  

If world events would somehow send the price of oil way up; it's currently $110 barrel equaling about $3.65; say oil went to $200 barrel and fuel to north of $5.50; our nation would be in deep trouble.

In the short term the cost of delivering the food to the store would way up, later the cost of producing the food would go way up. The cost of everything would go way up; getting to work, getting to the Doctor, getting medical supplies, getting whatever you get at Target and Walmart.

People stop spending.

People loose their jobs.

Government and personal debt continue to balloon.

Eventually the cradle to grave society we've allowed to be created collapses.

If you're not willing and determine enough to take care of yourself, the looters and thugs get you.

At least that's what I see as the most likely scenario.


Well said. That is indeed I think the most likely scenario!!
Link Posted: 3/10/2012 6:28:42 PM EDT
Originally Posted By SnakeDoctor_IV:
Originally Posted By evolution88:
Or we could consider the current issue blooming into a crisis. Fuel!  

If world events would somehow send the price of oil way up; it's currently $110 barrel equaling about $3.65; say oil went to $200 barrel and fuel to north of $5.50; our nation would be in deep trouble.

In the short term the cost of delivering the food to the store would way up, later the cost of producing the food would go way up. The cost of everything would go way up; getting to work, getting to the Doctor, getting medical supplies, getting whatever you get at Target and Walmart.

People stop spending.

People loose their jobs.

Government and personal debt continue to balloon.

Eventually the cradle to grave society we've allowed to be created collapses.

If you're not willing and determine enough to take care of yourself, the looters and thugs get you.

At least that's what I see as the most likely scenario.


Well said. That is indeed I think the most likely scenario!!


Oh, wait.  Obama is POTUS.  He'll take care of us all.  :: rolls eyes ::
Link Posted: 3/13/2012 11:05:16 PM EDT
[Last Edit: GGGBeo50] [#17]
my answer is:

Hopefully tomorrow, so the real americans can start to pick up the pieces and get this place back into order, because right now, no one wants to hear a conservative voice. And most of them will be surprised when they actually have to work to eat and cloth themselves. you'll see.
Link Posted: 3/13/2012 11:08:42 PM EDT
When is SHTF?

<The what'll ya have what'll ya have what'll ya have Guy from The Varsity PBS special on Hotdogs in America> "Erry day.  Erry day." </The what'll ya have what'll ya have what'll ya have Guy from The Varsity PBS special on Hotdogs in America>
Link Posted: 3/20/2012 2:54:02 PM EDT
Originally Posted By evolution88:
Or we could consider the current issue blooming into a crisis. Fuel!  

If world events would somehow send the price of oil way up; it's currently $110 barrel equaling about $3.65; say oil went to $200 barrel and fuel to north of $5.50; our nation would be in deep trouble.

In the short term the cost of delivering the food to the store would way up, later the cost of producing the food would go way up. The cost of everything would go way up; getting to work, getting to the Doctor, getting medical supplies, getting whatever you get at Target and Walmart.

People stop spending.

People loose their jobs.

Government and personal debt continue to balloon.

Eventually the cradle to grave society we've allowed to be created collapses.

If you're not willing and determine enough to take care of yourself, the looters and thugs get you.

At least that's what I see as the most likely scenario.


once the fuel goes up the privately owned truckers will have a strike and some major trucking companies will go bankrupt causing a shortage on food, water, and necessities.  once this happens people will be in a panic and that's when you get a lot of people to act stupid
Link Posted: 4/8/2012 11:25:19 PM EDT
When shtf will you and your nieghbors ally and protect the nieghborhood as a whole? or you plan on holeing up with your family and supplies and defend from inside your house?
Link Posted: 4/9/2012 6:25:34 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Buck762:
When shtf will you and your nieghbors ally and protect the nieghborhood as a whole? or you plan on holeing up with your family and supplies and defend from inside your house?

Out of sight, out of mind.

Link Posted: 6/22/2012 9:24:25 PM EDT
i work at a grocery store and i think when those foodstamp cards stop working it will be about 24-48 hours. last year the system went down and i was on red alert cause it was out for a few hours and people were getting angry. when you dont work for your food and income and it stops all of a sudden they do not know what to do. we had customers in line calling every store in town to find out if they could go there. the hotline for free feed was not working because of the amount of calls. i believe that is how it will happen no notice the food stamps stop coming because of government issues and then the riots start. i live in a small city so i wouldnt want to know how it will be in a big city.
Link Posted: 7/17/2012 1:33:50 PM EDT
just go with the flow
Link Posted: 8/17/2012 9:36:48 PM EDT
never sorta-
slow decline, not gonna wake up and start poppin zombies on the front lawn.  If you want to "prep" make your big moves now and thank yourself years down the road.  Basic emergency prepardness is one thing but roadmapping a sustainable and secure future for your family is tactical vs strategic thinking.  I live in the city and thinking about a move, this is obviously a bigger commitment than buying MREs and some ammo

I dunno, world is going to shit toward a, total recall - 1984 - blade runner type end state.  Revolution in a UAV drone and wire tapping age is fools gold.  I am baking my prepardness in a similar fashion as my 401k , a liitle at a time...
Link Posted: 8/17/2012 9:45:39 PM EDT
hyper inflashion
Link Posted: 8/17/2012 9:48:32 PM EDT
Originally Posted By BCV:
I have it on good Authority that SHTF will be March 11!

Only if I forget my Mom's birthday...

Link Posted: 8/28/2012 7:08:23 PM EDT
my money is on a shitty economy or the euro collapsing or both, leading to QE3, causing the dollar to be dropped as the worlds reserve currency, effectivly collapsing the US as we know it.

second place goes to israel and iran squaring off spiraling into a bigger war

third could be a civil war brought on by this police state gov thats tryin to creep in( which i think this scenario would be the worst)

fourth would be an emp of some sort, we are def do for a coronal mass ejection
Link Posted: 12/6/2012 11:49:20 AM EDT
hopefully soon.  it will certainly make existence on this boring planet a lot more interesting.  you think i'm kidding?  think again.
Link Posted: 12/8/2012 12:12:41 AM EDT
Originally Posted By fxntime:
Debt bomb explodes, interest rates skyrocket, inflation goes ballistic, welfare handouts cease due to the inability to service the debt and the animals go crazy because they believe they are owed a certain lifestyle by the productive members of society.

So what you're saying is we're going somewhere down the path between Argentina and Greece....

That should get interesting REALLY fast, a Greece like situation...with guns!

I'll have to figure out some way to pay per view it to other countries.
Link Posted: 12/9/2012 1:52:51 AM EDT
[Last Edit: YoungFrankenstien856] [#30]
Don't know if it's SHTF but I've no doubt it will make the natives restless.

Link Posted: 12/25/2012 7:32:34 PM EDT
It seems with the government debt bubble, absolute crap for foreign policy  and major war almost a certainty in  under 5 years, That the SH could definitely HTF within 5 years this time. Wear 4 million sunblock
Link Posted: 1/9/2013 3:52:52 PM EDT
My thoughts exactly!
Link Posted: 1/13/2013 8:02:39 PM EDT
Probably never. This sort of doom and gloom crap has been being predicted for thousands of years. Aint been right yet.

Move on. Nothing to see here.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 8:30:02 PM EDT
I am 45 and certain it will be in my lifetime.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 8:43:58 PM EDT
As soon as people's cable, internet, cell phone and xbox subscriptions end. That's when the shit is going to hit the fan!
Link Posted: 2/6/2013 3:37:46 PM EDT
This gives a good timline of when SHTF

Link Posted: 2/6/2013 3:42:08 PM EDT
Originally Posted By JBlitzen:
July 22nd.

Link Posted: 2/6/2013 3:49:50 PM EDT
second this
Link Posted: 2/23/2013 12:11:47 PM EDT
Im just going to stay in Afghanistan. Worse case, I go Apocalypse Now Redux with all the contractors out here and we take over the country. wait, yup doing that regardless!
Link Posted: 3/12/2013 11:30:02 AM EDT
spring or fall.

Not summer b/c that's when the financial world vacations at the beach.  Even the banksters need to rest from all their looting.
Link Posted: 3/28/2013 6:59:29 PM EDT
Originally Posted By BCV:
I have it on good Authority that SHTF will be March 11!

I heard this too. At 15:47.
Link Posted: 3/28/2013 7:02:02 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Black-Lions:
Originally Posted By BCV:
I have it on good Authority that SHTF will be March 11!

I heard this too. At 15:47.

Of 2096 !!  
Link Posted: 3/28/2013 7:20:36 PM EDT
[Last Edit: d90king] [#43]
Complete chaos.
Down the middle.

Crazy stuff huh?
Link Posted: 4/5/2013 11:42:49 PM EDT
Next Wednesday according to Kim Jung Un.  Who would of guessed he trolls this forum.
Link Posted: 4/26/2013 9:57:46 PM EDT
Originally Posted By JBlitzen:
July 22nd.

Excellent, I have jury duty that day.
Link Posted: 5/5/2013 2:21:34 PM EDT
The SHTF is occurring as we speak, not in a way what many people think where there is a nuclear detonation and marital law is imposed, but in the way of the slow loss of freedom and liberty.  Many people are not waking up to what is happening.  There is a progress slow loss of the right to keep and bear arms as many states impose absurd gun control measures, attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs, attempted silencing of conservatives not to mention attacks and character assassination by the far left on any challenge or even questioning Obama's policies.  If its this way now, just think how it will be in just 10 to 15 years from now if it keeps going.  At this pace gun rights will be eliminated, Christian's will be hard pressed to even practice their faith and no questioning of authority will be tolerated.
Link Posted: 6/20/2013 8:08:28 PM EDT
[Last Edit: akuser-47] [#47]
Originally Posted By fxntime:
Debt bomb explodes, interest rates skyrocket, inflation goes ballistic, welfare handouts cease due to the inability to service the debt and the animals go crazy because they believe they are owed a certain lifestyle by the productive members of society.

This is it exactly. Eventaully the handouts will no longer be there and then all hell will break out. S.S is already paying out way more monthly than it has ever taken in from hard working men and wemon. People that have never worked get to collect what others work for same as welfare it should only go by percentages of what we have worked! It will be a messy issue that will happen within the next 20 years! hell if they drug tested all welfare and never worked qoute disabled people with poor excuses of disability. I bet more than 65% would loose there right to collect by just being tested for drugs to get their checks this would clean up the slate. But in contrast uprising trash would cause trouble because as you stated they have become used to their lifestyle. In Ohio if you work for the state of Ohio then you can collect welfare because your state pay is not counted as an incomeW.T.F. I know a peace of shit that has a good job for the state and gets all his kids and wife free medical, food stamps on everyone elses because they get welfare on this reason alone WTF.
Link Posted: 6/20/2013 8:24:31 PM EDT
[Last Edit: scorpionmain] [#48]
We are in it right now.
I can't decide if it started after 9-11 or just recently.
It's so slow, it's hard to perceive.

I once heard someone call this a "Cold Civil War".
Link Posted: 6/20/2013 9:29:10 PM EDT
[Last Edit: akuser-47] [#49]
The many in peril will stand agaisnt the few with power that will not hold long in this near future. Stack it deep and be prepped to stay or bug either way ill prepared means slow death or suffering at your own hands.
Link Posted: 7/4/2013 10:10:19 PM EDT
summer 2014
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When will SHTF? (Page 1 of 3)
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