What can you control?
Just two things:
1) Your resume
2) Your reputation
I have given this talk at several aviation schools and one law school. I'll sum it up here in light of fellow ARFCOM member CFII's
discussion elsewhere in the Aviation forum.
1) Your Resume: You get to control this one; your education, flight time, ratings, and making sure you don't take any check-rides you cannot pass. It's as simple as that.
2) Your Reputation: You get some control over this one, mostly by not doing stupid stuff. Stupid stuff would be described as somewhat obvious, but pilots are human too and make mistakes.
Don's do the following:
Write bad checks, beat up other people, date crazy people more than once, drive drunk, forget your goals, scud run, buzz anything, or make other bad decisions.
Do to the following:
Be nice on the way up, you will meet the same people on the way back down. Help others in need, be a friend, and most importantly find joy in adversity and remember that once you get to FL350, the view is the same for all. When you get there, turn around and help the person behind you get there too.
None of us know when our opportunity to rise to the next level will happen in this very cyclical business, just be ready when your chance comes.